Wednesday, November 3, 2010

don't fall for it

One question for this billboard: Why?

Why does it take a strong character to wear purple everyday? Why is purple is not yet the new black? (Indigo's close enough surely?)
"Ha ha!" growls the billboard in munterish, deep Hauraki FM dj tones, "people might think you're a poofter, mate."
Classic. Makes me wanna buy your product.
This is guy-to-guy talk, given that purple is an acceptable colour to wear if you're female. So the coffee is male, apparently, and so are you, the billboard viewer. And yet....

That last one says "squeeze me and I'll blow you a kiss!"
Uh, I think I'll pass...
mauvember not movember! (such glowing ashes would be quite pretty wouldn't they?)


  1. Gibberish ad anyway.... you're supposed to wear the coffee packaging are you?

  2. Just imagine the backslapping at the centre of Gravity when their agency unveiled this shining example of crypto-gaybashing. How they must have ensmugged themselves! It's just so clever! We've got the best billboards in the city!

    Presumably they didn't realize that it could be taken to mean that their beans are homosexual . . . gay-bean-bashing is no joke, and nor is this billboard.

  3. gibberish yes... I think the other subtext is supposed to be 'you drink our STRONG tasting coffee', although I'd be interested in seeing coffee packet fashion a la the carpet fashion ad of a couple of decades ago...
    welcome back NZ Gerald! You remind me that there's a history of (supposed - complaint not upheld) gay-bean-bashing... remember Gary McCormick for Faggs Coffee??
